The first step after salvation is water baptism.
Baptize in the original Greek means – to immerse, dip, to plunge all the way under.
We will put you completely under the water, not just sprinkle. We believe in immersion.
The act of baptism illustrates the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus that we received at salvation.
It is our public testimony that we have entered into salvation. There is something so powerful in submitting to public water baptism. You are not only telling God and others that you have chosen to follow Jesus, but you also tell your own soul that from now on you will be serving God and physically obeying the Word of God. It disciplines your mind to think that way.
It has a strengthening effect. It will help you to follow God.
Additional thoughts on baptism
– What is the meaning of baptism?
- It illustrates Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
- It illustrates your new life as a Christian.
- It illustrates that the Christian life is being immersed in the things of God.
– Why be baptized by immersion?
- Because Jesus was baptized that way.
- Every baptism in the Bible was by immersion.
- “Baptize” means to immerse, or dip, or plunge into water.
– Who should be baptized?
- Every person who believes in Christ.
– When should I be baptized?
- As soon as you have believed and understand.
– Can my child be baptized?
- Yes, at the age of understanding. If he/she understands what they are doing, then by all means, sign them up for baptism. If they are not sure, wait until they are ready.
“I look forward to coming every week because I feel the presence of God here.” Jennifer
“This place has changed my entire life.” Devin
“I have been in several churches over the years. I was at my last church for 20 years. I saw the sign and felt that I was suppose to come try this place out. Wow, I am glad I did. God is here. I didn’t know church was meant to be like this.” Bob
Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, enjoyable connection to God and a community of people.
We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on helping every person live the full life for which God created all of us.
What To Expect
When you come to Pathway, you are coming to more than just a place to meet. You are coming to hang out with family and grow deeper in your relationship with God.
We start our service off with music that is a bit more calm than most contemporary churches today. We are not interested in just signing the latest songs but truly desire to pursue the presence of God in our worship.
From our worship we move on to our teaching. Our Pastor is energetic and full of faith. We teach the entire Bible and what is known as a word and spirit church.
We offer kids services that are designed with your kids in mind. Our guarantee to you as a parent, in a safe and encouraging atmosphere your kids will have fun, make friends and meet Jesus.
As for the adults, we offer a men’s and women’s ministry. The men get together every other fun for breakfast and a bible study while the women get together monthly.
The Mission
We are a spirit-filled church leading people to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Vision
How to get involved. We offer a class called Starting Point. This is the best way to find out about Pathway and discover your unique gifting. We call this our strategy to help you become a fully devoted disciple. This is what our strategy looks like.
- Believe in Jesus
- Belong to a church family.
- Become a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Build God’s Kingdom.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or want to get involved.
Pathway Women is for women of all ages, like you! Whatever season of life you’re in, we provide a place for you to get nurtured and grounded in God’s word, find grace, encouragement, and hearts that can relate to yours.
We meet monthly for get togethers, brunches and bible study times.
We have a private Facebook group just for the women to stay connected.
If you want to be part of our women’s ministry, please reach out to us and we will be in touch soon.
I’m inTeREsted in a women’s event
Welcome to the pathway Men’s Ministry! We are focused on cultivating and reproducing impactful men of God who understand their Kingdom identity, calling and purpose. Our men’s ministry is designed to help men advance in this journey. Join us!
We get together every other month for a mens discussion and mens small groups. You are welcome to join us. Our schedule is 2 months in a row we pursue spiritual growth. The 3rd month, we get together for food, activities, games, and manly things.
Once a year, we go on a 3 day men’s retreat. Thursday half day, all day Friday and Saturday half day. There is a cost associated.
If you are interested in joining us for any of this, please feel free to reach out to us.