
New? start here.


Join us for Starting Point. We offer this class, the first Sunday of each month. It is immediately following the Sunday morning service. We meet in the cafe which is just past our auditorium. We will help you find it and make you feel at home.

This class is the best way to find out about us and how we can help you discover your purpose.​



our ministries

our Pastor

Taylor Chapman

Taylor Chapman holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Oral Roberts University in Pastoral Christian Ministries and a Masters of Theology from Louisiana Baptist University. He has served in the local church, training and equipping people to become leaders in the body of Christ. Taylor feels that his calling is to be a doorway, a doorway that will give you access to deeper places in the things of the spirit. 

You can go to www.TaylorChapman.org to look at resources from Pastor Taylor. 

Today, he and his wife, Adrianne, pastor Pathway Church along with their two children, Abigail and Matthew. 

our location


151 12th Ave SE
Norman, OK 73071

  • (Next to Goodwill and Harbor Freight)

Service time: Sundays, 10 am

what we Believe

Statement of Faith