Join us on Sunday, March 16 at our regular service time for a special day of worship, prayer and allowing Holy Spirit to move however he wants to. We will be taking communion as well.
7 days of praying and fasting. We will have a night on Wednesday night where we gather at the church at 6:30 pm to take communion and prayer corporately.
Easter at Pathway is always a great time. We learn about the message of the cross and at the same time, laugh our heads off with comedian Michael Rowan. Be sure to make plans to join us for Easter Sunday at Pathway Church.
Join us for one service with Nancy Dufresne as she ministers by teaching a foundation of faith and seeing the miraculous. Sunday October, 12 at 10 am, seating is limited so come early and come expecting to hear a word from God.
On the first Wednesday night of every month our Pathway Men come together at 6:30 at the church for discipleship opportunities, games, incredible food and lots of fun.
We would love for you to join us. Let us know you are coming.
Ladies… if you like to talk, eat, craft, and do every other thing that women like to do, join our ladies events. They are monthly on Saturdays and often times throughout the week, meeting in groups and having fun together.
We would love for you to join us. Let us know you are coming.
We always have things going on. Anything from prayer to pickleball. Feel free to check out the Church Calendar to stay up to date on the latest events.
We would love for you to join us, anytime you are open.