Today all over Norman, Pathway members are driving through the neighborhood they live in and praying specifically for 10 homes/families.

In 2 weeks you will be coming back down your streets and personally inviting those people to "JOIN US" for Easter at Pathway. 


  1. Get in your car and drive through your neighborhood praying for 10 houses/family specifically.
  2. If situation allows, engage in a conversation with a neighbor.
    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Tell them who you are and where you live so they don’t think you are a creeper
    3. Ask questions (quick to listen and slow to speak)
    4. Today is about building a relationship and nothing more
  3. Pray specific prayers which we have suggestions below
  4. Pray the below prayer over the address and then go to the next house and pray it again for that house. Keep going until you pray for at least 10 houses/families. 
  5. Please text a picture of those in your car praying to (405) 251.7255 (we might just share your photo).

What to pray


  1. I pray for the person who lives at  address or name           .  Lord I ask…
    1. Use me to be a part of their story of coming to know you as their savior. 
    2. When I talk to them over the next two weeks, they will be receptive to what I have to say.
    3. Something will stir in their hearts over the next two weeks to want to come to church with me. 
    4. Give me the words to say when I talk to them so they will feel your spirit working through me. 
    5. I want to see these people come to church and when they come, they will feel your spirit and feel welcomed.
    6. When they come to our church, if they have a need, it will be met because you are a loving Father.
    7. When they come to our church, they will feel the move of the spirit and want to be a part of it.
    8. When they come to our church, their lives will be changed because they came.
    9. When they come to our church, if they are not already believers, they will give their life to You.
    10. Thank you Jesus for letting me be a part of their story.